

Styled Components

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styled is a way to create React components that have styles attached to them. It's available from @emotion/styled. styled was heavily inspired by styled-components and glamorous.

Styling elements and components

styled is very similar to css except you call it with an html tag or React component and then call that with a template literal for string styles or a regular function call for object styles.

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Changing based on props

Any interpolations or arguments that are functions in styled are called with props, this allows you to change the styles of a component based on the props.

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Styling any component

styled can style any component as long as it accepts a className prop.

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Change the rendered tag using withComponent

Sometimes you want to create some styles with one component but then use those styles again with another component, the withComponent method can be used for this. This was inspired by styled-components' withComponent.

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Targeting another emotion component

Similar to styled-components, emotion allows for emotion components to be targeted like regular CSS selectors when using @emotion/babel-plugin.

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Component selectors can also be used with object styles.

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Object styles

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This API was inspired by glamorous. ❤️

Customizing prop forwarding

By default, Emotion passes all props (except for theme) to custom components and only props that are valid html attributes for string tags. You can customize this by passing a custom shouldForwardProp function. You can also use @emotion/is-prop-valid (which is used by emotion internally) to filter out props that are not valid as html attributes.

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Composing dynamic styles

You can create dynamic styles that are based on props and use them in styles.

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as prop

To use styles from a styled component but change the element that's rendered, you can use the as prop.

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This API was inspired by styled-components. ❤️

The as prop is only used by styled when it's not forwarded to the underlying element. By default, this means that the as prop is used for html tags and forwarded for components. To change this, you can pass a custom shouldForwardProp which returns true for 'as' to forward it or returns false for 'as' to use it and not forward it.

Nesting components

We can nest selectors using &:

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